The EOS Entrepreneur: Bart's Kicks Off New Program

Bart’s Office has upheld a great reputation in the community and long-standing history of excellence. We have prided ourselves in always putting our customers first and getting the job done.
Throughout the last year of the pandemic, we took a good hard look at ourselves as a service provider and as an employer and asked, “Can we get better?” The answer: Yes! We can! The organization had a growth period for the last several years that resulted in staff growth from about 5 to 30 full time employees. Additionally, revenues grew 30% year over year for about 4 years in a row. During this time the organization’s reporting structure stayed pretty, and we had developed minimal process documentation.
Over the last year, Bart’s Office experienced some internal growth with the addition of new employees and new positions to assist in layering out the business and giving us more experience and knowledge. We also have been investing a great deal of time educating our staff. In August 2020, Bart’s senior leadership team visited JK Moving, the top commercial moving company, located in the Washington D.C. area. It was a great opportunity for us to collaborate with a like-minded organization and discuss best practices for our industry. Like us, JK Moving is constantly self-evaluating and educating their staff.
After the visit, Courtney Davis, Bart’s Office’s VP of Business Growth and Administration, attended a virtual meeting with WBENC (Woman’s Business Enterprise National Council) and discovered that they were offering classes on EOS (The Entrepreneurial Operating System®). Courtney immediately registered and completed the courses. The book “Traction” lays out a very simplistic approach to running your organization. It helps to identify best practices for everything from hiring/firing, running meetings, processes, organizational core values and vision.
With the tremendous growth we experienced, it was critical to ensure that the entire organization was rowing in the same direction. Utilizing the methods and guidelines set forth in the EOS process is the way the we plan to build on an already incredible foundation and legacy. Currently Bart’s management staff is reading and learning the EOS process, led by Bobby Woolley, one of Bart’s Office VPs. We view this deep-dive into EOS as a culture shift and will include all field and office staff in reading and training under EOS. This will allow full integration, understanding, and implementation of the practices learned from EOS.
Currently the management staff meets twice a month as a “book club” to discuss what we have read and how it applies to each department and the entirety of the company. The two favorite quotes that have come from the book have been, “Vision without Traction is Hallucination” and “KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid.” The book and direction have given our staff a new-found vigor, and we all anxiously await the complete roll out! For more information on the EOS Program, visit What Is EOS.